The NSW Department of Education has just published a full unit of work for Stage 4 German, aligned to new syllabus outcomes and content. The unit showcases explicit teaching, and embeds examples of current language learning pedagogies.
You can effectively 'pick up and teach' the unit - it's like a textbook chapter with matching workbook activities, designed just for Term 2 German. You'll find 46 resources, fun activities and games, as well as formative and summative assessment opportunities - you'll just need to make refinements to meet student need in your context. Check it out now at the department's German 7-10 web page.
If you'd like to learn more, why not attend the launch? All sectors welcome.
Enrol via MyPL.
Date: Wednesday 27 March 2024
Time: 4-5 pm
Course code: NR29242
Session name: Modern Languages K-10 Syllabus - launch of German support
(The meeting will have the title 'Languages statewide staff meeting'. Please click on this link, click 'sessions' and you will then see the German support session. Then click on 'Attend session' to enrol.)