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  • DoE languages eCourses now available to all sectors!

    To align with the changes to NESA's PD requirements for teachers  (from 16.08.24) and the removal of Accredited and Elective PD categories, the NSW Department of Education has updated their 2 eCourses and made them available to all sectors . Access the eCourses anytime, completing at your own pace. High potential and gifted students in languages 7-10  - 1 hour Student motivation and engagement in languages  - 45 mins

  • Launch of support for Classical Languages K-10 Syllabus

    Next Tuesday, 10 December, the NSW Department of Education will be launching their support for the Classical Languages K-10 Syllabus, including support for Latin. At the launch meeting, they will discuss key features of the new syllabus, differences from the former language-specific syllabuses and the support available. This support includes:  a 3-year scope and sequence for Stages 4 and 5 12 sample activities with associated resources, one for each term of Stage 4 and 5 Programming guidelines for the Classical Languages K–10 Syllabus. Please enrol via MyPL. Course code: NR44209 Date:  Tuesday 10 December Time: 4:00-4:45 pm Venue:   Online meeting Please share the session information with your Latin teaching colleagues. For further information contact Kristen Faraday .

  • Strategies for HSC success - statewide staff meeting recording now available

    At the department's Term 4 statewide staff meeting on Strategies for HSC success –developing speaking, writing, listening and reading skills in Beginners and Continuers courses last week, the team explored: assessment requirements for Year 11 and 12 Beginners and Continuers courses strategies and tips to prepare students for HSC-style assessment tasks in all 4 macro skill areas features and examples of non-HSC style assessment tasks. Here is the recording of the meeting. Resources referred to in the meeting that you might like to check out are: Stage 6 section of the department’s website , where you will find the Continuers text type guides, Stage 6 guide to answering Continuers listening and reading questions, as well as other resources and advice for Stage 6 languages such as language-specific sample speaking questions, listening and reading activities based on syllabus topics and HSC advice for students MyPL course - HSC speaking tasks in Beginners and Continuers modern language courses Term 3 SWS meeting - Listening activities in Stages 4 and 5 Stage 6 Languages section of NESA’s website , where you will find Beginners and Continuers syllabuses and links to other useful resources such as past HSC Exam papers, standards materials, sample assessment schedules, sample formal assessment tasks and assessment and reporting documents for each course.

  • Save the date - STATEWIDE NETWORK DAY

    In response to teacher feedback, the Languages and Culture team is organising the first-ever statewide languages network day, to be held on Tuesday 3 December. Every language network across the state will hold a collaboration day, on the same day, under the theme 'Shaping 2025 together through connection and collaboration'. The goal is to support you by providing a day dedicated to language planning for 2025. The day will focus on: - collaboration with language teaching colleagues to share ideas, tasks and resources - time to plan for 2025 - AI prompting in languages to support planning and resource creation - editing support resources using Canva that are found on the languages website. Meetings will be held across NSW, with some networks joining forces to broaden opportunities to collaborate. The virtual network will also join forces with far reaching networks so that teachers unable to attend a meeting face to face can join in too. Network leaders will be in contact soon about where your network plans to meet. If you have any questions, please contact . Teachers K-12 from all sectors welcome to attend (local events)!!

  • Strategies for HSC success - Term 4 statewide staff meeting

    The Languages and Culture team at the NSW Department of Education has just published details of their Term 4 statewide staff meeting.  The topic is Strategies for HSC success  - developing speaking, writing, listening and reading skills in Beginners and Continuers courses . In the meeting the team will focus on: assessment requirements for Year 11 and 12 Beginners and Continuers courses strategies and tips to prepare students for HSC-style assessment tasks in all 4 macro skill areas features and examples of non-HSC style assessment tasks. Please enrol via MyPL: Course code:  NR29242 Date: Thursday 14 November Time:  4-5 pm The main session will be recorded for anyone who cannot make it.

  • Registrations close today for the FREE workshop for beginning language teachers!

    The 2024 Beginning Teachers' Workshop  is for language teachers 7-12 in NSW public schools  in their first 5 years of teaching. The event will be held on Friday 1 November  at the NSW Department of Education offices at 105 Phillip Street Parramatta and the theme is Igniting the future - empowering beginning language teachers . Registrations close on Wednesday 23 October  or when places have been filled. Please complete the form  to register. At the workshop there will be a number of presentations including: Engagement strategies for the language classroom Advocacy strategies for language teachers A backward-mapping approach to programming Launch of the Beginning Teachers' Handbook. During the day there will also be games and lucky door prizes. There is no cost to attend . Morning tea and lunch will be provided.

  • Explicit teaching in languages - did you miss the SWS meeting?

    Did you miss the recent statewide staff meeting on 'Explicit teaching in languages'? Don't panic - the Languages and Culture team have shared the recording  of the meeting. To make navigating the video easier, in the description you will find timing hyperlinked to each segment.  A PDF of the presentation is also attached to this post. The team explored the key elements of explicit teaching, and how they are evident in their support. The elements explored include: chunking and sequencing learning connecting learning sharing learning intentions sharing success criteria gradual release of responsibility using effective feedback checking for understanding using effective questioning. For further information on explicit teaching in languages, please visit the department's ‘Explicit teaching in languages' web page .

  • Are you a beginning languages teacher?

    The Languages and Culture team at the NSW Department of Education is offering the 2024 Beginning Teachers' Workshop to language teachers 7-12 in NSW public schools in their first 5 years of teaching. The event will be held on Friday 1 November  at the NSW Department of Education offices at 105 Phillip Street Parramatta and registrations are now open! The theme is Igniting the future - empowering beginning language teachers . At the workshop there will be a number of presentations including: Engagement strategies for the language classroom Advocacy strategies for language teachers A backward-mapping approach to programming Launch of the Beginning Teachers' Handbook. During the day there will also be games and lucky door prizes. There is no cost to attend . Morning tea and lunch will be provided. Registrations will close on Wednesday 23 October or when places have been filled. Confirmation emails with information about transport options and what to bring on the day will be sent within 48 hours of registering. Please complete the form  to register. If you have any questions, please email . See attached agenda for more information.

  • Huge news - Languages Extension support materials are live!

    The Languages and Culture team at the NSW Department of Education is very excited to announce that their Support materials for the Languages Extension prescriptions 2025-2030  have been published. The materials are designed to guide the teaching of the prescribed issues and prescribed texts for  Arabic , French , German , Indonesian , Italian , Japanese , Modern Greek  and Spanish .   These materials were produced with the assistance of teacher expert writers, whose contributions were significant and are much appreciated.    The team will be launching these materials shortly. The launch session will include: an overview of the Extension course a detailed walk through of the support materials and how they can assist you to teach the Extension course. Please enrol via MyPL: Course code: NR29242 Date:  Thursday 12 September Time: 4:00-4:45 pm Venue:   Extension launch   All sectors welcome! Please note: The Chinese Extension Stage 6 Course Prescriptions 2020-2024 have been  extended for an additional year . They will be used for the HSC examinations in 2025. Teachers of Chinese Extension Stage 6 should continue to use ‘Young Style’ (2013) for examination in the HSC 2025. Access our support via the  Chinese Extension page . Important note : As the support includes extracts, transcripts and lyrics from the prescribed texts, for copyright reasons the resources are behind a password protected firewall that only Extension teachers can access. These support materials are intended for teacher use only. Please do not share the materials in their entirety with students, including sharing on school digital platforms. Instead, teachers use the activities and information as a basis to guide the design of their own teaching and learning activities .

  • Launch of Korean support!

    The NSW Department of Education is launching its support for Korean! The Korean Stage 4 resource set  supports the Modern Languages K-10 Syllabus, and includes a 3-year scope and sequence for Stages 4 and 5, a fully-resourced Stage 4 unit of work on going to the market (including 39 resources!), and an assessment task with marking guidelines. At the launch, the team will: explore how the resources align with the Modern Languages K-10 Syllabus, in terms of content and pedagogy discuss how you can use them in implementing the new syllabus answer questions you may have. Enrol via MyPL. Date:  Wednesday 11 September 2024 Time:  4-5 pm Course code:  NR44209 Session name:  Launch of Korean resources

  • Term 3 statewide staff meeting - recording now available

    Yesterday, the Languages and Culture team presented their Term 3 SWS meeting on ‘Listening activities for Stage 4 and 5’. During the meeting, the team shared ideas for pre-listening, during-listening and post-listening tasks, aligned with the Modern Languages K-10 Syllabus. We also explored the theoretical foundation as to why students may experience cognitive overload and ‘listening anxiety’ when completing listening activities in the classroom. And we even got to participate in some of the activities, which served as a great reminder of what our students must feel like a lot of the time! 😬 Here is the recording  of the meeting. In the video description there are links to the different sections which can help you navigate to your point of interest.

  • Explicit teaching in languages - statewide staff meeting

    The department is holding an explicit teaching statewide staff meeting to unpack what explicit teaching looks like in languages, as outlined in their recently-released 'Explicit teaching in languages' infographic.  Explicit teaching aligns with how students process, store and retrieve information.  Every student should experience explicit teaching when it is new or complex. This allows students to gain foundational skills and knowledge that they then can apply with greater independence.   To enrol, please go to MyPL and search for course code NR44207 , then select the session Explicit teaching in Languages .    Course code: NR44207 Session name: Explicit teaching in languages Date: Wednesday 16 October Time: 4-5.30 pm (to allow for Q and A) Venue: MS Teams - the link to the meeting will be emailed to you with your enrolment confirmation from MyPL

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