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  • Term 1 SWS meeting - 10 engaging activities for the languages classroom

    Did you miss the Languages and Culture team's statewide staff meeting on Wednesday? No need to stress - the recording of the meeting is now available. During the meeting, the team shared 10 activities, aligned with the Modern Languages K-10 Syllabus, with variations to support all learners. Attached to this post are 3 of the activities the team shared - story cubes, task boards and the 'Find someone who ...' activity.

  • Fortnightly support in the Languages statewide staffroom

    Do you teach languages 7-12 in a NSW public school? If you're not already a member, the best place to access support from the NSW Department of Education is through the Languages statewide staffroom - join via their entry survey. Currently the team is publishing fortnightly support for Stage 4 - ideas and resources, aligned with the Modern Languages K-10 Syllabus. Here's one of the ideas from Week 1... Greetings board game (attached) This board game offers a variety of simple, everyday scenarios, helping students to practise basic social interactions and build foundational vocabulary in the target language. It's an excellent way to engage students and enhance their verbal communication skills in a relaxed and enjoyable setting. This game can address the following syllabus content dot points from the ML4-INT-01 outcome: Socialise with peers Use features of the sound system in spoken interactions Use language that is appropriate to cultural practices and values to interact

  • Term 1 statewide staff meeting

    The Languages and Culture team at the NSW Department of Education warmly invites all language teachers to their first statewide staff meeting for 2024 on Wednesday 21 February, 4-5 pm. The team will share 10 engaging activities for the languages classroom, including ideas for how to differentiate them. They will also show how the activities align with the Modern Languages K-10 Syllabus' outcomes and content, and provide activity templates so you can use them in your context. To enrol, please go to MyPL and search for course code NR29242, then select the session Languages statewide staff meeting, Term 1 2024. Remember, if you have attended a SWS meeting before, it will say 'Completed'. Ignore that and click on the course, then select the upcoming meeting by clicking the circle next to its name. Then click the red 'Re-enrol' button at the top of the screen. Course code: NR29242 Session name: Term 1 statewide staff meeting - 10 engaging activities for the languages classroom Date: Wednesday 21 February Time: 4-5 pm Venue: MS Teams - the link to the meeting will be emailed to you with your enrolment confirmation from MyPL

  • New team at the NSW DoE

    The Languages and Culture team at the NSW Department of Education has a new structure, and some new faces: The team's role is to provide support for language teachers 7-12 in NSW public schools. If you're at an independent school, you can still access loads of support, including network meetings and statewide staff meetings.

  • Remember to subscribe to our YouTube channel!

    The Languages NSW YouTube channel hosts recordings of all statewide staff meetings led by the Languages and Culture team. You'll also find the launch sessions for the Chinese, French, Japanese and Spanish resource sets for the Modern Languages K-10 Syllabus, which unpack the resources and underpinning pedgagogy. Our videas have had over 3,000 this year alone.

  • Chinese and Spanish support now available

    Have you checked out the NSW Department of Education's support for Stages 4 and 5 Chinese and Spanish, aligned to the Modern Languages K-10 Syllabus? There is EVERYTHING you need to teach an entire term of work, so you can just 'pick up and teach'. You'll find teaching and learning activities, student resources, games and formative/summative assessment ideas. They have also published student-friendly scope and sequences and unit summaries, to engage students in the content. And don't forget, support is also available for French and Japanese.

  • NSW Japanese Teachers' Conference 2024 - call for presenters

    The Languages and Culture team at the NSW Department of Education has started planning their 2024 Japanese conference, to be held on Friday 3 May 2024 at Parramatta (venue to be confirmed). The theme of the conference is Empowering teachers, inspiring learners. The team is seeking expressions of interest from teachers who would like to present. Teachers from NSW public schools who are successful in the EOI process will receive 2 days’ relief (1 day to prepare and 1 day to attend the conference) and will have their conference fee waived. Teachers from independent schools (including Catholic schools) who are successful in the EOI process will have their conference fee waived. EOIs must be endorsed by your principal and submitted by 5 pm on Friday 9 February 2024. Further information can be found on the EOI form. For further information, please contact Shanelle Ingram, Language Officer on 0448 479 778 or at

  • New support materials for modern and classical languages

    NESA has released support materials for: Classical Languages K-10 Modern Languages K-10 The materials include language examples and grammar guides for Classical Greek, Classical Hebrew and Latin.

  • Bilingual puppet shows

    Carrousel Theatre have just announced their 2024 shows. These interactive, bilingual puppet shows are aimed at students in primary or Stage 4 (or beginners in Stage 5), with language adapted to suit each audience. The Jungle Book is available in Chinese, French, German, Indonesian, Italian and Spanish. Puss in Boots is available in French, German, Italian and Spanish. Please see attached flyers for full details.

  • Upcoming Term 4 network meetings

    It's almost time!! In 2024, we begin teaching with the new Modern Languages K-10 Syllabus, so we're at the pointy end of planning. It's exciting! 😎 The syllabus is much easier to use and plan with. Term 4 network meetings will be advertised over the coming weeks. Here are the ones which have already been advertised. Remember to enrol on MyPL - meetings are open to all sectors. Course codes are provided in brackets below. After school meetings - collaborating to develop activities for a learning sequence that meet the Interacting, Creating Texts and Understanding Texts outcomes: Illawarra - Monday 27 November (course code NR38472, then choose the venue) Queanbeyan - Wednesday 29 November (course code NR38472, then choose the venue) Far North Coast - Thursday 30 November (course code NR38472, then choose the venue) Full-day collaboration meetings: Sydney North West - Tuesday 21 November - assessing and the new syllabus (course code NR25838, then choose the venue) Virtual - Tuesday 28 November - creating an assessment task, with marking guidelines, and planning a unit of work for the new syllabus (course code NR25838, then choose the venue) Mid North Coast - Wednesday 29 November - adjusting units of work to align with the new syllabus and creating activities/assessment tasks that address the 'Interacting' outcomes (course code NR25838, then choose the venue) Sydney CBD/East - Thursday 30 November - making adjustments to units to align with the new syllabus, a discussion about Stage 6 resources, and an opportunity to collaborate in language-specific groups to create a scope and sequence for Stage 4 or Stage 5 for the new syllabus (NR25838, then choose the venue) Macarthur - making adjustments to units of work to align with the new syllabus, a focus on interacting in the classroom, and an opportunity to work in language specific groups to collaborate on a learning sequence for a unit of work for the new syllabus (NR25838, then choose the venue)

  • Term 4 statewide staff meeting - recording and activity

    At the Languages and Culture team's Term 4 statewide staff meeting, 'Ready, set, program!', the team took a deep dive into a learning sequence from one of their Stage 4 units of work for the Modern Languages K-10 Syllabus. Here is the recording of the meeting. During the meeting, teachers had the opportunity to work together to unpack some sample teaching and learning activities from the units of work, in order to: discuss language and communication skills students are using discuss the macro skills, focus areas and outcomes addressed align activities to content dot points discuss ways the activities can be adjusted for students with disability. Attached to this post is a document which summarises the collaborative activity. If you were unable to attend, you still have access to everything you need. And if you did attend, you can review the answers.

  • Collaboration day - Armidale

    The Armidale language teacher network is looking forward to seeing as many teachers as possible at their full-day collaboration on Thursday 16 November. This meeting will include collaboration time with network members to prepare for the implementation of the new Modern Languages K-10 Syllabus, and to develop teaching and learning activities, assessment tasks and marking guidelines. Please enrol on MyPL. Course code: NR25838 Event: Armidale Network Collaboration Day Date: Thursday 16 November Time: 9:00–3:30 pm Venue: Armidale Secondary College, 182 Butler St, Armidale For more information, please contact the network leader Victoria Perrin-Baker.

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